[instiz] (161025) Male idol nicknamed teddy bear and clumsy bear by his parents when he was a kid.bts

Me: Taehyungie, tell me about any nicknames you had back home as a kid!
Taehyung: Wah smart question, I have an answer! My dad gave me that nickname!! (*writing bear on the post-it as he talked*) My dad called me like this everyday! My mom called me clumsy bear~ Me~(*excitedly*)

[T/N: 곰순 which is the nickname I translated as clumsy bear means someone who is not good at doing manual work (like drawing, building things, etc). 곰 is the word for bear in Korean.]

It's Bangtan Seonyeondan's V

His nickname was teddy bear...ㅠㅠㅠㅠ


TaeTae. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Cute...

Kim Teddy Bear is mine♡
↳ Go to the guardhouse~ 
↳   Kim Teddy Bear (Really a bear/24 years old)
[T/N: text on the picture says "Gomenasai", a Japanese word meaning "excuse me". There's play on words with 곰/gom (bear).] 

Teddy bearㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠC u teㅠㅠEven as a child he had big hands TaeTae-yahㅠㅠ