[news] (170125) Lunar New Year Special BTS' way of taking care of ARMY

On Monday January 16th at the Ilsan Goyang Gymnasium, the recording of the <Lunar New Year Special Idol Athletics, Archery, Rhythm Gymnastics, Aerobic Championship Series> (hereinafter: ISAC) took place. Korean idols gathered to compete for the Lunar New Year <ISAC> special, with fans flocking in since the morning to support them.

BTS' members expressed various types of fanservice towards their hard-working ARMY (the fanclub name for BTS). MBC Entertainment captured BTS who take care of sports but also of their fanclub. Let's now go behind these scenes filled with warmth.

#1. Attention type

"I did well, right?" Even in the middle of sports, a gaze focused towards the fanclub seating section

♨ Warm eyes ♨

Lovely eyes... ♥

✭ If Jimin is smiling then ARMYs are smiling too ✭

#2. Signs type
"Aren't you cold?"

Cute expression and finger heart

♥ A heart here, a heart there 

#3. Goods type
Jin rich in ARMY bombs

OH Great handfan presence OH

#4. Greetings type
"Attack for ARMY. Heartattack

"Thanks for coming~"

<ISAC> will air on MBC on Monday January 30th at 5:15pm for the 1st part and 6:35pm for the 2nd part.


min9**** +133 -0
It's not just during ISAC, yesterday during their V-App but also during awards acceptance speeches they always take care of their fans first so thank you!

kmin**** +117 -0
They're really the fans-loving Bangtan. On SNS they always try to give news or communicate a little and I'm really thankful for it ㅋ.. 캡짱!!
(T/N: 캡짱 [kepjjang] slang word that Yoongi used in their recent Vlive, meaning awesome)

abc7**** +105 -0
ㅜㅜㅜThey're the best, the bestㅜㅜFans-loving Bangtanㅠ 

0_4e**** +98 -0
Always thank you❤

riar**** +89 -0
Always thank you and love you♡ Let's see each other for a long time:)