[fantalk] (170213) Hobi's buried background parts isolated + uploadedㅋ


Some international ARMY found this and uploaded itㅎ They're all calmly buried in the background ㅠㅠㅠ This is sadㅠ

But BigHit, this isn't "Our ARMYs like J-Hope's singing and he can sing well so let's give him a chorus part! ㅜ What a great company BigHit is

+116 -5


ㅇㅇ 2017.02.13 02:15 (+45 -0)
This isn't a chorus part..

ㅇㅇ 2017.02.13 21:51(+3 -0)
It's true that BigHit is an agency that respects the kids [making their own] music and that they're close like a family, but this clearly BigHit's mistake. It's a title track and one member doesn't even have a part, not even one second. Why do fans have to look for a member's voice in a song..?

ㅇㅇ 2017.02.14 00:11 (+0 -0)
Once is enough. Don't do this a second time. BigHit

ㅇㅇ 2017.02.13 23:59 (+0 -0)
No matter how you look at it, this isn't [how] a nice entertainment agency [acts]