[news] (170926) “Billboard 1st place” 5 years after Psy's ‘Gangnam Style’ was released

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[Only translating the 1st paragraph, which has the gist of the info. Billboard entered the Hot 100 Billboard Charts, which Psy topped in 2012.]

It happened suddenly 5 years ago, around the same time of the year. In September 2012, Psy's ‘Gangnam Style’ spread into the US market. And now, in September 2017, BTS' ‘DNA’ is soaring in the US charts as well. [cont'd in article]


jeon**** (+460 -10)
Don't make noise for nothing, they've just entered the Hot 100 for now [so] congratulations for that but now it's about getting to 1st place.

limi**** (+441 -6)
Not having the wish of being 1st place and wanting to fulfil it is unheard of [for singer]. Go progressively [and] happily. By just giving happiness, this will be your 1st place. If you have the ability to follow [Psy's footsteps] and become 1st place I will receive it with contentment. Let's listen to some music.

goom**** (+269 -3)
As one says [or, what you say come true] Bangtan is achieving it all!! From now on, let's all follow our dreams!!! Bangtan congras!!!