[entertalk] (171126) The characteristics of idol rappers

Each idol takes care of an individual position
Truthfully it seems like there are 2 types of idol rappers

1. Can rap well so they have a rapper position (called rapper)

  • Rap parts are at least 2 minutes long in a song (there's often a rap part in the middle of a song)
  • Participates in producing or at least has an interest in it
  • Writes most of their own lyrics
  • Fans promote their rapping skills

2. Can't sing well so they have a rapper position (not called rapper but called in charge of rap)
  • Rap parts are less than 2 minutes long in a song, most often 1 minute (almost always at the beginning of the song or after the 1st verse of the song)
  • Lyricists write the lyrics for them (especially for title tracks)
  • Although their position is rapping, their fans promote their looks and personality rather than their rapping skills
  • When it comes to it, the group's main vocalist or another position can usually rap better

+255 -7

ㅇㅇ 2017.11.26 23:56 (+355 -62)
Reading this I thought of Bangtan and BTOB for number 1 and for number 2 I thought of Twice and Red Velvetㅋ

ㅇㅇ 2017.11.26 23:23 (+83 -18)
The rap line of BTS is definitely number 1

ㅇㅇ 2017.11.27 02:05 (+6 -3)
1 for me.....! Ah really when I listen to Yoongi or RM's mixtapes I enjoy them a lot... I'm also waiting for Hoseok's mixtape to come out soon ㅠㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ But also if Jeongguk was learning [rap as well] he'd probably become even better..